I do believe there is only one thing in the world that a man will give up his garaged parking space for…

Of course, there has to still be room for the bike. Not even a pool table can take the bike’s space.
We got this baby from a friend of a friend who rebuilds old houses. This was left in the on the second floor of the guest
house. It’s a true slate billiard table, a Brunswick Heirloom model. It’s about a $5000 table, complete with balls,
chalk, rack, cue stand and cues. It’s in really great shape, the wood and leather is a little dried out, but nothing
some TLC can’t fix. SA-WEEET!
Now we can go about raising a couple of pool hustling sharks like proper parents should! (Ok, ok, I’m just kidding…
well sorta.)
It’s not gonna stay in the garage forever though. Eventually it’ll go on the back patio as soon as it’s
finished (meaning enlarged and closed in as promised, but we’ll see how long that takes to happen). And then Pierre
will have his beloved parking space back.
No, I don’t get to park in the garage. But that comes with driving a long bed extended cab truck. It won’t
even fit in the garage.