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This is a very special table. The top and blind rails are SOLID Mahogany. The
cabinet and frame are made of hardwood on furniture grade ply.

The table is also unique because
of it’s size. The playing surface measures 46” x 92” –
This is known as a “Pro Eight” or “Oversized 8” - Most standard 8’ tables are 44” x 88”

Of course the rubber cushions are the Brunswick Super Speed ® that have been
patented since the early 1900s. Known to be the most consistent in the industry.
Price: $ 2500
4 x 8 (Pro size 46 x 92)
Brunswick (Marion, Virginia)
"Heirloom" Model: VBL Serial
No: 2352
Age: about 20 years
Slate: 3 pc, 1" framed, matched, registered
and dowed
color: bottle green

The tapered style legs are the pedestal design. Meaning they
extend all the way to the top of the cabinet and are bolted to the cabinet itself forming each corner. Much stronger than the conventional method of attaching the legs to the underside of the cabinet
via a metal or wood plate.

The top rails are bolted through the slate using
Brunswick’s patented locking slip nut system. This ensures a solid rebound
off the attached rubber cushion.
